Soldier explorer and Makololo tribe native hunter watching a subject from a distance using a telescope in South Africa. It is as you see it. From Jules Verne 3 Russians and 3 English Book, vintage engraving, 1871.

Description:  Soldier explorer and Makololo tribe native hunter watching a subject from a distance using a telescope in South Africa. It is as you see it. From Jules Verne 3 Russians and 3 English Book, vintage engraving, 1871.
Stock Image ID:  140959
Title:  Soldier explorer and Makololo tribe native hunter watching a sub - photo

Soldier explorer and Makololo tribe native hunter watching a subject from a distance using a telescope in South Africa. It is as you see it. From Jules Verne 3 Russians and 3 English Book, vintage engraving, 1871.


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