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amphibian Stock Footage

6 amphibian royalty-free stock videos. See amphibian stock images

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Red-footed tortoises mating
  • Red-footed tortoises mating
Red-footed tortoise (2 of 2)
  • Red-footed tortoise (2 of 2)
An alligator lies motionless in a marshy area near the Florida Everglades
  • An alligator lies motionless in a marshy area near the Florida Everglades
Red-footed tortoise (1 of 2)
  • Red-footed tortoise (1 of 2)
An alligator lies motionless in a marshy area near the Florida Everglades
  • An alligator lies motionless in a marshy area near the Florida Everglades
Iguanas (1 of 3)
  • Iguanas (1 of 3)